In performance sports, athletes, parents, coaches, club leaders and sports federations ask themselves the following questions:
Sportsman: Deserve to sacrifice my childhood? Do I have everything I need to succeed?
Parent: Can my child perform in sports or better direct him to school? Can he do both just as well?
Coach: Is there any potential for this athlete to become a top performer? Do I choose him or another to train?
Club Leader or Sports Federation: Will I get results with this athlete or better invest in another?
Worldwide psychological studies and research have attempted to identify whether there are specific personality traits that make some athletes achieve outstanding performance. These common features, commonly called "CHAMPION PERSONALITY", were found to exist in both: athletes practicing individual sports and those who practice team sports.
It was highlighted that the more accurate predictor of success in high-performance sports is the PSYCHOLOGICAL (mental and emotional) level, rather than physical, technical and tactical.
How do we identify athletes with CHAMPION PERSONALITY ?
The SPORT PSY PROFILE psychological test battery performs a personality scan and can identify at this time all these markers of CHAMPION PERSONALITY.
SPORT PSY PROFILE is the result of a scientific research that lasted nearly 2 years and was made on 1000 athletes from individual and team sports.
SPORT PSY PROFILE measures the level of 17 dimensions and 5 psychological axes that from a scientific point of view correlate directly with the sport performance. Thus, we can now assess to what extent the athlete`s personality coincides with the ideal model of CHAMPION PERSONALITY.
SPORT PSY PROFILE resembles a set of complete medical analysis. These analysis can show physically at present what parameters are at a normal level and what parameters are deficient. In the same way, the SPORT PSY PROFILE battery offers a mental and emotional diagnosis which tells us at what level of development the 17 dimensions and 5 psychological axes are in relation to the ideal model of CHAMPION PERSONALITY.
This is the Diagnostic Function.
Starting from the SPORT PSY PROFILE evaluation, a sports psychologist can propose a PERSONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.
This is the Development Function.
The specialist may, based on test results, make a long-term recommendation and prediction of the level at which the athlete can reach. This is a scientific prediction with a margin of error based on the assumption that the athlete will not radically change his behavior and does not do concrete things to improve or develop the personality aspects directly involved in achieving sports performance.
This is the Predictive Function.
In the case of a group of athletes or on the position competitors, it is possible to quickly differentiate between athletes when they have physical, technical or tactical similarities. The psychological plan can easily and efficiently differentiate those who may become CHAMPIONS or those who will remain regular athlets.
This is the Rating and Grading Function.
Worldwide psychological studies and research have attempted to identify if there are specific personality traits that make some athletes achieve outstanding performance. These common characteristics, namely called Champion Personality, were found at the athletes that practice either individual sports or team sports.
The SPORT PSY PROFILE battery measures 17 psychological dimensions directly associated with achieving high sport performance.
Below, each of these dimensions is defined and explained for a better understanding of what the PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE of CHAMPION PERSONALITY is.
The Figurative Evaluation shows the numerical score obtained for each dimension evaluated and also shows the inclusion of the dimensions in one of the five categories (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High).
As can be seen in the chart below, for a better understanding on the results obtained, we have assigned one color to these evaluations, according to the legend. A simple look at the graphic can show us the preponderance of positive aspects to the negative or vice versa. It is also very easy to see in which dimensions the athlete has good and very good scores and the dimensions where the athlete has to work to improve his results.
The Sport Psy Profile index (ISPP) expresses the level of performance resulted from the evaluation of mental and emotional traits that correlate directly with the achievement of high performance results.
The Sport Psy Profile index shows accurately through a numerical value the internal psychological dynamics of the athlete resulted from the different degree of development of the different mental and emotional traits, the strengths and weaknesses, the presence or absence of performance axes, the mental or emotional configurations and the degree of sincerity.
The Sport Psy Profile (ISPP) performance index is a numeric indicator on a standardized calculation scale, based on a complex algorithm that accurately represents the score obtained by the athlete completing the Sport Psy Profile test battery, based on the psychological profile of the top sports performer, reaching a maximum of 100 points.
The goal of Fan Evaluation is to provide a complete graphical representation of the profile obtained.
So, it can be observed very quickly and precisely the inclusion of each dimension in one of the five categories (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High) and the preponderance of the dimensions in the respective categories.
After an analyze made on the answers, was obtained a value level for each of the 17 evaluated psychological dimensions.
Below is the Descriptive Evaluation associated with each dimension, correlated with the score obtained.
It is important not only read the separate explanation of each dimension, but also the common logical thread that creates the whole picture of the present situation.
Each dimension present in the SPORT PSY PROFILE test battery is treated separately and represent an important source of information. Correlation of several dimensions leads to the appearance of Performance Axes, which are, in fact, important strengths for the athlete.
The emergence of one or more Performance Axes is an extremely important indicator that the athlete has special configurations of psychological features that, if maintained and further developed, can become a true proponent in his sporting career.
Self-improvement axis: is formed out of following dimensions: Harmonious Passion, Obsessive Passion, Striving for Perfection, Imperfection Adversity.
Resistance axis: is formed out of following dimensions: Mental Preparation, Competition Resilience, Focus under Pressure, Adaptability.
Emotional axis: is formed out of following dimensions: Worry, Cognitive Anxiety, Somatic Anxiety.
Efficacy axis: is formed out of following dimensions: Coachability, Conscientiousness, Self-Efficacy, Competitive Spirit.
Team player axis: is formed out of following dimensions: Cohesion and Leadership.
Self-Improvement Axis occurs when there is a dynamic balance between how the athlete lives his passion for sport and attitude towards perfection.
This configuration shows that both the harmonious passion and the obsessive passion fit perfectly into the personality structure of the athlete, bringing him the immediate satisfaction of practicing the sport. This axis shows us that although passion has been absorbed by important people (family, friends), it has been internalized by the athlete and has become an engine of its actions. In performance sports, if does not exist a strong desire to be better, exceptional results can not be found. The athlete has managed to find the perfect balance between the management of inherent mistakes that occur in sports activity and his ongoing efforts to decrease his mistakes and become better. Self-improvement axis is thus a very beautiful blend between the fantastic energy of passion that feeds the athlete and his desire to be better in sport.
Although it may seem the key to success, this axis can not work independently of other psychological dimensions. For the development of a Champion`s Personality, the other dimensions must be at the optimum level.
Resistance Axis occurs when there is a balance between the athlete`s ability to adapt to specific conditions of error or failure, to general conditions such as coach, club, city change, and ability to cope with pressure inherent in sport performance, using mental and emotional control techniques.
We know that performance sports involve work and sacrifices, and those who perform are those who manage to cope with competitive pressures. This does not happen by itself, but is the result of intuitive or learned use of specific mental and emotional control techniques such as relaxation techniques, visual imagery, positive discourse with himself, setting of objectives. On the other hand, the research and the professional experience show that no matter how good the physical, technical and tactical abilities of the athlete would be, the process of adaptation to different environmental, human or natural conditions and the success of putting into reality situations in competitions of all the skills and knowledge it has, is essential in achieving performance.
Although we can consider this axis as a predictor of long-term performance, it can not function independently of other psychological dimensions. For the development of a Champion`s Personality, the other dimensions must be at the optimum level.
Efficacy Axis occurs when there is a balance and a harmonious blend between the the athlete`s ability to listen to the tips and feed-backs of the important people around him (coach, physician, psychologist, physical trainer, nutritionist, etc.) on the one hand , and on the other hand, the ability to mobilize alone and carry out actions in order to achieve his sports goals .
In order to be successful in sport, the athlete must first of all be open to the suggestions, requirements and feed-backs of the professional, giving him extra-value on the four levels of total training, physical, technical, tactical and psychological training (mentally and emotionally). This is doubled by the conscientiousness with which the athlete performs the tasks, the training program and by the self-efficacy with which he performs the necessary actions to achieve his goals. The athlete in which we find this efficiency axis has a high level of competition that allows him to activate personal resources at the optimum level and always needs challenges both in training and in matches and competitions. Normally, all of these features are combined into a very strong personality structure, which makes the athlete not avoid any challenge and he wants to be the best.
Although we regard this as a key to sport success, it can not work without the other features of the Champion`s Personality being at an optimal level of development.
The Team Player`s Axis appears mainly to athletes who practice team sports and represents a strong link between the cohesion factor and the leadership factor. Nevertheless, we can identify this axis in athletes who practice individual sports. The reason is that most of them are training with multidisciplinary teams.
Athletes with this axis have a high degree of emotional intelligence, manifested by a very profound and vast knowledge (intuitive or learned) of what human personality means. These are team players, who are very listened and respected in the group where they belong. They have indisputable leadership skills, not only to lead others to common goals, but also to listen, help, and support them to get the best out of them. It is desirable for this axis to be found in any athlete that practice team sports.
It is an important part in achieving sporting performance, but without the other features of the Champion`s Personality being at an optimum level, it can not predict and bring success.
The evaluation obtained as a result of completing this battery of psychological tests brings extraordinarily valuable information about your personality structure, corelate to those psychological dimensions that correlate directly with achieving superior sports performance, with the condition you were honest in your answers.
A performance athlete has the ability to accurately and realistically evaluate himself in terms of his actions that make him achieve performance, also in the results he has achieved.
We all tend to put ourselves in a better light when we are questioned. This has to do with self-esteem and our ability to assume our behaviors.
Social Desirability is a concept that shows us the people want to present themselves positively to others, and so fit into social norms. It is defined as "the need of subjects to obtain approval, rather by giving responses in an acceptable and appropriate manner in terms of social norms, rather than according to their personal values.
The graphic below shows a clear image of the level of sincerity and openness used by the athlete for self evaluation. This can be realized by using three criteria: The maximum score possible on that dimension, The score obtained by the athlete as a result of the evaluation and The real score.
The maximum score possible is obtained by adding up the numeric values corresponding to all the questions linked to each psychological dimension evaluated.
The score obtained by the athlete as a result of the evaluation represents the sum of the numeric values corresponding to the responses chosen for each question in the test.
The real score is the one that identifies the actual position of the athlete in comparison to the ideal image. This score is calculated through a formula enclosing both the maximum score and the score obtained as a result of the evaluation.
A valid analysis of the results obtained involves a comparison between Strenghts and Weaknesses of the athlete. First, it is important to look at their numerical report, namely their preponderance in the obtained results. Secondly, which dimensions are found in each category.
The purpose of this analysis is to compare the scientific evaluation obtained by completing the SPORT PSY PROFILE psychological test battery, on the one hand, and the more or less subjective perceptions about the personality of the athlete, the coach, the parent, the colleague and the athlete towards himself, on the other one.
From this comparison we can obtain very important information about both: the realistic appreciation and the under-appreciation or overestimation of the athlete towards himself. Information about how the athlete it is perceived by parents, coaches, colleagues, is also extremely valuable and reflects more or less the way the athlete perceives himself, how he acts and how he perform his sport activity.
The results obtained from the Comparative Analysis constitute a very good starting point for the psychological counseling of the athlete in order to correlate and harmonize the information obtained from the evaluations. To make the transition to performance, the athlete must be able to extract the feed-back he needs from the important people around him (parents, coaches, colleagues, or other specialists).
The process of comparison with others is one of the most important learning processes.
Through the Comparative Statistical Analysis below we can see, for each psychological dimension in part, where the athlete is, compared to the other athletes who have been evaluated.
For an athlete, it is an awareness of his own value, which can give him confidence, when results are better than others, or raise questions and give him directions, when results are worse than others.
After passing through all aspects of the evaluation, a clear idea about the Personality Profile of the Athlete is outlined.
Now is the moment to move on to the action.
Even if the instinctive tendency is to work especially on the less developed or less functional aspects, our suggestion is that the athlete should first concentrate on aspects that are high and very high, because these aspects are the stone of the foundation of the athlete`s results so far. They give the athlete satisfaction, he makes them well and with pleasure, and in these conditions they must be further developed until the athlete has attained a level of mastery.
For this, it is important for the athlete to be aware of the factors that help him to have certain features at a high level, which are the mechanisms to support these qualities. Starting from this personal analysis, the next step is to use the factors, that helped him to have those qualities, in less developed areas as well.
To support this process, below are suggestions for work that can help the athlete achieve the desired performance.
Whatever the results of the evaluation are, it is important for the athlete to have a Personalized Plan of Psychological Development. This can be done under the guidance of the sports psychologist through individual mental-coaching meetings (face-to-face or Skype).
The development of Attention Skills (Distributed Attention and Focused Attention), Thinking (Decision-Making Strategies and Problem Solving), Memory (Photographic Memory and Associative Memory), Mental Creativity and Flexibility, absolutely necessary in performance sports, can be achieved through a continuous and coherent mental training program.
The technique of positive affirmations is used by many elite athletes in daily training and during competitions. A positive statement may be a simple word or phrase that ignites the flame of motivation in the athlete`s self. Choosing one or more positive affirmations, repeated every day, can greatly increase self-confidence. The act of repeating reduces the pulse of the athlete and helps his mind to focus better.
To understand, assimilate and deepen all of these psychological concepts, we recommend, in addition to individual meetings, the participation in thematic workshops, watching sports-related films, as well as reading the written or video materials we publish on our site.